Hunting in Manitoba — Ducks Unlimited Canada Skip to main content

Hunting in Manitoba

The many acres of diverse habitats we've conserved across Manitoba offer a wealth of opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts.

Property Access

It is your responsibility to ensure you are adhering to individual property rules and regulations, with appropriate permissions and permits. We are pleased to be able to provide opportunities for the public to enjoy Ducks Unlimited Canada-owned properties. These are truly special places that the hard-earned dollars and support of our members, the local community, and other important funders have helped us secure and protect. Please respect them and other properties as you enjoy their beauty.

Important: You agree that you access Ducks Unlimited Canada property at your own risk. You also agree to waive any right of action against Ducks Unlimited Canada for any injury or loss you may suffer while on these sites.

Accessing Ducks Unlimited Canada Properties

Unless otherwise posted, all Ducks Unlimited Canada-owned lands in Manitoba are open to hunting. These properties are foot access only and do not require written permission from Ducks Unlimited Canada personnel. Hunters and trappers are reminded that these are multi-use lands and there may be other users on the property. Those accessing Ducks Unlimited Canada lands need to be cognizant and respectful of those fellow users. Please note that not all Ducks Unlimited Canada projects are the sole property of Ducks Unlimited Canada. Where a Ducks Unlimited Canada project is a partnership with a private landowner (such as in conservation agreements or easements), the user must seek permission from that landowner.

As part of ongoing habitat management, users should be aware of the potential for operations on the property such as haying or late-fall grazing. Also, there may be Ducks Unlimited Canada staff and contractors working on the property.

Revolving Land Conservation Program (RLCP)

Some Ducks Unlimited Canada properties are classified under the RLCP and may not be under Ducks Unlimited Canada ownership in the future. Through this program, Ducks Unlimited Canada purchases a property, restores its wetlands and grasslands, then resells the land with a conservation agreement (easement) on the title to protect the habitat.

While owned by Ducks Unlimited Canada, these properties are open to hunting under the restrictions mentioned in the above section. Access is not permitted on these properties if crop is still in the field. Users should be aware that RLCP lands will be sold once wetlands and grasslands are restored. Users can check the Property List to confirm a property’s ownership status. The onus is on the user to ensure they are accessing Ducks Unlimited Canada property.

Read more about the RLCP.

Partnership Properties

These lands are protected in partnership with the MWF Habitat Foundation (MWFHFI) and are managed by Ducks Unlimited Canada with the MWFHFI holding title. Working in cooperation with the MWFHFI, Ducks Unlimited Canada grants permission for hunting and trapping on these partnered lands under the same general restrictions and guidelines as Ducks Unlimited Canada solely owned lands.

You can find these lands in the Manitoba Property List. If the property of interest in not on this list, users must contact MWFHFI for permission to access.

Visit The MWF Habitat Foundation website for more information.

Blinds and Structures

Permanent blinds or structures are prohibited on Ducks Unlimited Canada-owned projects. Portable blinds or tree stands are permitted to be set up 14 days before hunting season and all parts (including poles, steps and ladders) must be taken down within 14 days of the end of the same season. All portable blinds and stands must be clearly marked with the name and phone number of the owner.

Bear barrels and baits are not permitted on Ducks Unlimited Canada land.


Any breach of these guidelines will result in the loss of access to the property by the trapper:

1. Access will be limited to foot only. No ATV, UTV, truck/vehicle access is granted.
2. All trappers must follow current provincial trapping regulations; any illegal traps will be removed immediately and forfeited.
3. The use of canine traps, snares or land-based kill type trap sets that occur less than 1.5 meters above the ground is prohibited from March 1st until December 31st of any given year.
4. Baiting in conjunction with any snare, or land-based trap sets located less than 1.5 meters from the ground is prohibited. Live hold restraining traps set for raccoon are exempt.
5. Kill trap sets that are less than 1.5 meters from the ground, and land-based canid sets and baited live hold raccoon traps must be placed a minimum of 50 meters from any right of way or public trail system on the property.
6. It is recommended that traps be marked with visible markers such as flagging tape or a painted stake within 3 metres of the trap.
7. All traps must have a name plate affixed, with the name and phone number of the owner.
8. All carcasses must be removed from Ducks Unlimited Canada lands.
9. Ducks Unlimited Canada will be notified of the capture of any non-target animals like pets and be apprised of trappers’ response to such issues. All non-target animals trapped are the responsibility of the trapper.
10. All traps and markers must be immediately removed from the property by the trapper on the final day of the trapping season.