A History of Agriculture in Canada

  • Grade Level: Grade 9 and up 
  • Runtime for the PowerPoint is approximately 40 minutes. 

Do your students know where their food comes from? Learn about how food was grown, farmed and changed in A History of Agriculture in Canada.  

This PowerPoint explores Indigenous farming practices starting in the 1400s and agricultural knowledge from the 1400s to today. Your students will learn about some of the oldest sustainable farming methods and what everyone can learn from Indigenous perspectives on cultivation. 

Learn about agriculture and grasslands

Grasslands Resource Pack

Introduction to Grassland Ecosystems

Module 1: Introduction to Grassland Ecosystems

The Introduction to Grassland Ecosystems explores what makes our grasslands special: how they came to be, how they’re managed, what unique species live there, how they support pollinators and how they work overtime to help us fight climate change. 

Sustainable Agriculture to the Rescue

Module 3: Sustainable Agriculture to the Rescue

After exploring grasslands and the history of agriculture, let’s look to the future and how we can produce food sustainably for a growing population.