Cook's Marsh — Ducks Unlimited Canada Skip to main content

Cook’s Marsh

Cook’s Marsh
Observe nature and learn about wetlands at a DUC project or wetland interpretive centre. © DUC

Cook’s Marsh is a rich wetland, providing habitat for waterfowl in particular, but also for other animals. Covering approximately 16 hectares, it is located at the headwaters of Serpentine Brook in western Newfoundland, just west of Corner Brook. It can be accessed from Logger’s School Road, which runs north off the Trans Canada Highway, ~ 13 km west of the Massey Drive overpass.

Cook’s Marsh is an area protected for waterfowl through the cooperative efforts of Ducks Unlimited Canada and Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited.

The development of this area began in 1984 with the construction of a water control structure. This water control structure helps maintain a constant water level in the wetland upstream area, which enriches the habitat for waterfowl and other animals. The water structure also contains a fish-way to allow fish to pass through. Due to the location of the marsh and its inherent fertility, the enhancement of the marsh protects and increases the nesting and brood rearing of waterfowl, and increases their use of the area for staging, that is, resting during migration.

In the same year, Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC), Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited, and the Newfoundland and Labrador Conservation Corps Green Team built a trail around a section of the marsh. This trail provided enhanced viewing of the wildlife in the area with greater ease and comfort. Visitors are cautioned that this trail has not been maintained since it was built.

There are several wildlife species that benefit from the development of Cook’s Marsh. Some of these species include salmon, brook trout, moose, otter, beaver, muskrat, black duck, ring necked duck, and other bird species.

(From, “Special Places,” with permission.)