Watch inside the nest — Ducks Unlimited Canada Skip to main content

Watch inside the nest

Get the real birds-eye view with close-up footage of nesting birds and their broods

Our feathered friends have returned from their migratory journeys, which means that new broods of baby birds are coming soon!

Oak Hammock Marsh Canada goose livestream

This spring, we invite you inside the nest to watch, learn and maybe even witness a hatch.

Nesting geese often hit the naturalized roof of our national headquarters at the Harry J. Enns Wetland Discovery Centre, located at this designated Wetland of International Importance! A Canada goose pair has now made their nest and is tending to their eggs.

Watch the livestream Learn more about the Canada goose

Screenshot of live Goose nest cam at oakhammock marsh

Fredericton nest box webcams: common goldeneye

Two nest boxes—typically used by cavity-nesting ducks—are currently being monitored with nest cameras at the DUC Fredericton office. They are located near a DUC wetland, where the hens will lead their ducklings shortly after hatching. 

Both nest cameras put you up close with common goldeneye, sitting on their clutches of eggs. The first started laying around April 9 and has several eggs in the nest. But this does not guarantee a successful hatch for the brood! Predators may threaten her nest, and so may other ducks. If another cavity-nesting hen takes an interest in the nest-box, that hen may forcefully take it over or deposit some of her own eggs amongst the original clutch.

See inside the nest boxes

Screenshot of Common goldeneye in Fredericton nest box

Test your knowledge

Try our fun and challenging five-question quiz to see how well you know North America’s migratory birds.

Enjoy from a distance

Whether you enjoy watching nesting birds or logging your bird observations in community science projects, giving birds their space is especially important this spring. It gives them a better chance to feel comfortable, gives you a better chance to watch them behaving naturally, and reduces risks associated with avian flu.

Learn more about Avian flu in Canada

Build your own nest box

Give cavity nesting birds a helping hand! Learn how you can build, install and maintain your own nest box and learn more about the species that may use it.