Invasive Species — Ducks Unlimited Canada Skip to main content
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Invasive Species

Invasive species are changing the land and water we love.

At Ducks Unlimited Canada, we’re using our expertise and experience in wetland habitat and restoration to protect these vital ecosystems from the threats posed by invasive species.

Report invasive species

Early detection and response are key to preventing the spread of invasive species.  Learn how to identify and report invasive species in local wetlands and other habitats.

Have you spotted an invasive species?

Early detection is key to preventing the spread of invasive species

What is an invasive species?

Invasive aquatic species are living organisms that have been transported—generally by people, often accidentally—to a new region and managed to survive and thrive there. Climate change is also creating paths for many species to move northward, with new and potentially negative effects on northern ecosystems. 

Many of our conservation projects are complicated by the need to remove invasive species, which can devastate aquatic habitats. The good news is that wetlands are resilient and rebound swiftly once the invasive species is removed. But the better news is you can help by choosing one change in your outdoor life that can make all the difference.

Help us keep habitat healthy for native plants, birds and animals.

How do invasive species spread to wetlands?

Wind and waterways

Wind and waterways

Transportation corridors

Transportation corridors

Agricultural drainage ditches

Agricultural drainage ditches

Equipment moving from site to site

Equipment moving from site to site

Protecting wetlands from invasive species in Canada

We use innovation and experience to understand and manage the invasive species that are most destructive to aquatic ecosystems. Here are a few of the ways our programs and experts are protecting wetlands across the country.

One change makes all the difference

Help reduce the spread of invasive species from site to site, trail to trail, river to river—and wetland to wetland—with one change that helps keep wetlands free from invasive species.

Clean your gear

Be sure to clean your boots, bikes and equipment after you’ve been hiking, boating, fishing or trail riding, so you don’t accidentally take invasive seeds or plants to the next adventure.

Plant a wetland-friendly garden

Become an informed gardener by researching and planting non-invasive native plants to support local ecosystems with food sources for birds, insects and other wildlife while safeguarding wetlands.

Power-wash big equipment

Take time to clean heavy equipment, tractors and all-terrain vehicles, so you don’t move invasive seeds or plants between fields, ponds, streams and bush lots.

Report sightings from your smartphone

Try to notice invasive plant groupings on shorelines, wetlands and shallow bays. Be a citizen scientist by using a smartphone to record and report sightings to Canadian Council on Invasive Species.

Save wetlands and multiply your conservation impact

It only takes a minute to give, but the impacts of your donation will be felt for generations.

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