Become a Member—Ducks Unlimited Canada Skip to main content
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Become a Member

Your membership is an investment in Canada’s wildlife, water quality and a healthy environment.

We take pride in using your membership dues and donations wisely, delivering conservation programs that make the most of every dollar. Our goal is to invest at least 80% of expenditures in habitat conservation, and in our latest fiscal year, that investment level reached 90%.

Become a Member

Become a Member

For just $5 per month (or $60 in a year), your membership can help conserve and restore an area of wetlands larger than an average home!

Renew your Membership

Renew your Membership

Renew your membership with a donation of $60 or more to help advance Canada’s leading effort to conserve our wetlands.

Making a real difference, together

By linking arms with members like you, we’ve led wetland conservation and restoration efforts in Canada since 1938—keeping more critical wetland habitat on the landscape than any other organization.



We’ve conserved more than 6.4 million acres of Canadian habitat and influenced another 152.4 million acres.



We safeguard the natural places that matters most for breeding waterfowl, including the prairies and boreal forest.



We conserve wetlands, some of nature’s best filters for removing pollutants like phosphorus from our water.



Our conservation projects support more than 600 wildlife species, including species at risk.

Invasive species

Invasive species

In the field and in the lab, we’re working to combat invasive species that threaten our native wildlife and landscapes.



We’re protecting green infrastructure that mitigates climate change, flooding, drought and erosion.