Conservation for a Continent — Ducks Unlimited Canada Skip to main content

Conservation for a Continent

Nature doesn’t know boundaries and neither do we

Rising to the Challenge

Seven years… a $3-billion-dollar fundraising goal… and the chance to improve the future for wildlife and our communities.

Ducks Unlimited Canada is working with our American and Mexican counterparts over the seven-year period of 2019-2026 to raise a groundbreaking $3 billion dollars to support North American habitat conservation.

Join us in the largest North American conservation campaign to date.

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mangrove swamp

Our Continental Approach



Wildlife don’t recognize borders. Countries must commit to collaborative conservation to protect biodiversity.

Cross-border Conservation

Cross-border Conservation

International Conservation Plan. A bold and pioneering approach to conservation in North America.

Water Action

Water Action

DU’s Water Action Agenda commitment statement. Uniting water, wetlands and watersheds across North America.

Climate Resilience

Climate Resilience

Investigating the role of wetlands in climate change mitigation and adaptation. New research showcases the potential of wetlands as nature-based climate solutions.

Get to know the flyways Check out North America's four major migration pathyways, known as flyways, and some of the waterfowl species that travel these highways in the sky.
Pacific Flyway

Pacific Flyway

The Pacific Flyway stretches from the Arctic to the west coast of Mexico and the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean. It encompasses the most varied waterfowl habitats in North America.

Central Flyway

Central Flyway

The Central Flyway encom- passes a large portion of North America’s interior — from Canada’s boreal forest and parklands across the Great Plains down to the Texas Gulf Coast.

Mississippi Flyway

Mississippi Flyway

The Mississippi Flyway runs from Hudson Bay to the Gulf of Mexico, crossing the Great Lakes and following the Missis- sippi, Missouri and Lower Ohio rivers in the United States.

Atlantic Flyway

Atlantic Flyway

The Atlantic Flyway stretches from the Arctic tundra of Baffin Island to the Caribbean. Because it is the most densely populated flyway, large portions of habitat are threatened by development.

Test your migration knowledge

Learn about the importance of our continental approach in supporting migratory birds.

Join our conservation community

Passionate people are the driving forces behind DUC's continued success as we work to protect our water, wildlife and way of life. Join us in the largest North American conservation campaign to date.

Become a member