Conserving Canada’s Wetlands | Ducks Unlimited Canada Skip to main content
Deer standing in some snow covered woods
Group of people playing pond hockey
March Madness

It's March Madness

Vote for Canada's favourite wetland bird for a chance to win!

Winter exploring

Winter wonders

Explore the beauty of winter landscapes, and learn how habitat conservation can help species thrive during the cold season.

SPBG - share your story

Share your shinny story to win

Have a story about playing hockey on frozen wetlands or ponds? Enter the Small Ponds, Big Goals contest for a chance to win.

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Our programs and services

Agriculture and landowner programs

Find programs to maximize the productivity and potential of your land while supporting a healthy environment.

Boreal forest programs

Learn how you can partner with us for products and services to meet your conservation goals while conserving boreal forest wetlands.

Institute for Wetland and Waterfowl Research

Our scientific research guides and advances conservation. Join our diverse partner network to make breakthroughs and share knowledge.

The Nature Force

Support an innovative partnership focused on urban-adjacent projects that reduce the effects of flooding due to extreme weather.

Conservation Pro

We offer practical, science-based landscape solutions to address your business challenges. Tap into our professional expertise.


Explore our places, programs and resources that connect people of all ages to conservation and the wonders of nature.

Shop for a cause

DUCGear™ does more than show your passion for conservation and Canada’s great outdoors. Your purchase supports Canada’s leading effort to save threatened wetland habitats today, for a better tomorrow.

Get involved

Make a difference for wetlands, waterfowl and wildlife! Volunteer, attend an event, become a member, discover the wonders of wetlands and grasslands, sign up for our newsletter... there are many ways you can help create a brighter future.

Group of kids cheering

Conservation achievements

As of March 31, 2024...

6.2 Million

Acres conserved


Habitat projects under our care

244 Million

Acres influenced

Become a member

Start your membership with Ducks Unlimited Canada for as little as $5/month. Make an investment in Canada’s wildlife, water quality and a healthy future.

Join us today

Conservation news and stories in your community

Discover how we bring conservation to your community through research, education and habitat restoration. Together, we protect the places you love and ensure healthy landscapes for generations to come.

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